August 20, 2020
Multilingual Jekyll websites

There are many guides for making multilingual Jekyll websites. Most of them involve plugins, and I do not really like plugins, because they execute unknown code. Fortunately, I did not need them. After trying several approaches, I found a way that is as easy as it is elegant.

Whenever I needed a multilingual Jekyll website in the past, I always copied my complete project and translated it. This is relatively easy and keeps the codebase simple, but it made maintenance and adjustments a tedious job. The logical alternative, besides using a plugin, was to use themes. However, I do not like the added complexity of themes either. I like to keep things simple.

Fortunately, I got inspired by a post from Koos Looijesteijn. He used a smart way of using collections and Jekyll defaults. I have slightly adjusted his solution, so it respects all types of collections and sets the language parameter based on a folder WITHIN each collection. To make it as elegant as possible I use the ISO language code for the folder names. Note that the solution works not only for posts, but for all custom collections and even for pages.

Quick start (step by step)

Step 1. Create folders with ISO language codes in your collection directory/directories:


Step 2. Adjust the ‘_config.yml’ file to add the appropriate front matter defaults. The following code adds the ‘page.language’ variable to each post and sets the permalink:

- scope:
    path: '_posts/en'
    type: 'posts'
    permalink: 'news/:title'
    language: en
- scope:
    path: '_posts/nl'
    type: 'posts'
    permalink: 'nieuws/:title'
    language: nl

Step 3. Loop over the content (in your layout file), like this:

{% raw %}{% assign siteposts = site.posts | where: 'language',page.language %}
{% for item in siteposts %}
{% endfor %}{% endraw %}

Step 4. We have now succesfully seperated our English and Dutch posts. Our layout file, however, is not yet translated. The nicest way to do this is to create a ’translations.yml’ file with all strings that need to be translated. Place this file in the ‘_data’ directory, and make sure it looks something like this:

  en: Speed index
  nl: Snelheidsindex
  en: Google score
  nl: Google score
  en: Page weight
  nl: Paginagrootte

Step 5. To shorten the code in your layout files, place the following code in your ‘header.html’ file:

{% raw %}{% assign translations = %}{% endraw %}

Step 6. Finally, replace each English string with something like this:

{% raw %}{{ translations.speed_index[page.language] }}{% endraw %}

Proof of the pudding

I immediately put my money where my mouth was and refactored this website into a single code base. It worked like a charm. Additionally, I got rid of the .nl website. I redirected all URL’s to the .com domain in a ’nl’ directory. I expect my Dutch pages to benefit from the higher page rank on the .com domain.

()  Joost van der Schee

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