October 1, 2023
Speaking at HugoConf 2023

It has been an honor to speak at HugoConf 2023. My talk was about Hugobricks, a theme/concept for stackable content blocks in Hugo. If you want to see my 7 minute (pre-recorded) talk, check it out on Vimeo or Youtube.

This was my third conference talk. I have also been presenting at JekyllConf 2019 and HugoConf 2022. I was accompanied by some great speakers, like Joe Mooring (famous in the Hugo community for his excellent support). He talked about contributing to open-source. His talk was my personal favorite. I also really liked Christian Oliff, who talked about render hooks, as well as Liam Bigelow, who talked about Pagefind. If you want to be astonished by numbers and magnitude, I recommend the talk of John Phamvan, who spoke about a Hugo website with 4 million pages. Finally, for anyone who has ever migrated a website to Hugo: you must watch George Phillips with his mind blowing automatic migration concept.

I hope you will enjoy all these talks as much as I did. Enjoy!

()  Joost van der Schee

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